Saturday, April 08, 2006

Life Update

Well.. my life as text...

As life in the past.My life in the past has been with many cannons...not ditches...cannons. I have been through alot, yet not everything. I know that I don't know it all but I do know death very well. I do know how it feels when people leave you. I do know what it feels like to never fall for anyone, only people falling for you that you seem to grow old of. I know what it is to grow up with many rules and many "b/c your a gurl" regulations. I know what it is to have a brother that is into alcohol and drugs and he even went to jail. I know how it is to have a brother in the war...he's in Iraq right now. I know what it is to be busy...real real busy. I know what it is to work to pay for senior fees and for myself. I know what it is to apply for scholarships and hope for money. I know what it feels like to get used to hardly any sleep a night. I know what peer pressure is...and never giving in to it. And I esp. know what it feels like to have God break you, make you cry, and to be tested by God.

As life in the presentAs life now, I see what I've been through and I know I can help many. I am a true prayer warrior, eventhough I know not what to say all the time to him. I look at where my mother and my family have been and are, and I set high goals. I know I can achieve them. I go for what I want. I know what I can do and most the time I try to out do myself, but still I get to a goal. I look how I didn't have any money and I know I need now I have two jobs. I look at who has been there, and of those who have left me...and I know Jesus Christ will always be there. As life now, I feel the peer pressure. I won't give in the alcoholism (I have seen what it can father was one and so are my brothers). I won't do drugs. And sex will wait til marriage, eventhough most of my friends don't see it that way. But I still keep good values for myself. The most fit suceed. In my opinion I see that is true and as time is... looking at yesterday, today, and tomorrow....I will set my goals and will not give up. Life is success. Success isn't money either. For me, success is seeing hope in someone's eyes (knowing that I have helped them), reaching a goal of grades and sales for the week (Knowing I can keep it going and prove that double majoring is for me), and Seeing myself improve (improve in God's eyes....first patience, then compassion, now trust).

As life in the futureFor me the future is a long way. I see the future as five, ten, twenty years from now. Well where do I hope to be? Well, in all cases I hope to be a better Christian and stronger in my walk...the walk on the narrow path. But in five years, taking classes in animal phycology and mammology classes. I hope to be in Michigan...University of Michigan or Michigan State...both are great schools. I hope to be working on my masters in zoology and maybe getting degree in ecology or photography for wildlife. I hope to be in a serious relationship by then...maybe engaged...maybe not. In ten years, hopefully graduated from Michigan and working the field. I will be 29 so ..hopefully have a real relationship...engagement, marriage maybe a family. In twenty, I am not sure. I hope to married, have a family and be well on my way to owning a zoo. I hope to be in a great career and hopefully be a part time youth leader through out it all. I am not sure what the future holds but I hope to trust in the Lord more and more each day.

Well, this is just an update and a summary of my life in probably two pages.
Think about your life... Why are you like you are?What does your past reveal? What do you hope for the future?Think about the future but don't count on it being like planned. God is mysterious and will work and make your life as he planned.I wish you much luck and I pray for those who need a little more support. Leave me a message and I shall do the same for you, but for now, think about your life as text.


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